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Below you will find all of our worship times:



10:00 AM 

Sunday School

11:00 AM

Sunday Worship Service

5:00 PM

Sunday Night Bible Study 

Youth Activities

6:00 PM

Choir Practice



6:30 PM

Adult Bible Study

Youth Bible Study (6th Grade and Up)

Childrens Class (Below 6th Grade)

*Nursery is provided


September 11: Our evening serive will be moved to Ridgecrest Baptist Church as we celebrate the Ordination of Lacy Gay. He has been called as Senior pastor of Ridgecrest.

September 12: House of Hope Graduation 6:30 pm at 1020 W. Darlington Street. (House of hope Ladies Facility)

September 18: Matt Elmore will bring the morning message. No evening services.

October 15: Wedding celebration for Bethany Capell and Justin Owens

October 30: EBC Fifth Sunday service @ 13:30am. Fellowship meal after the morning service. Details to come.

December 10: EBC annual Christmas BBQ @ 6:00pm 

December 18: EBC Choir Christmas musical

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